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It has been a busy couple of days preparing the site in St. Michaels College in Ailesbury Road Dublin for the delivery of 4 Eco Span Fully Compliant Modular Classrooms Buildings.
Our sister Company Ground Protection Ireland created excellent Trackway Access to a difficult final location where the Eco Span Classrooms will be sited.
Davis Construction, Civil Contractor, now has excellent access for the preparation of services for the arrival and siting of the school’s additional Eco Span Modular Accommodation.
Thanks to our Ground Protection Crew for their professional service and products and for making it so easy for EcoMod and our valued Customer St. Michael’s College.
Many thanks to everyone in St Michael’s for the business for both Eco Mod and partner company Ground Protection Ireland. We would like to take this opportunity to wish your School all the best in the year ahead in your academic and sports pursuits.